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The Aspiration Centre, located at the heart of the Academy, oversees provision for all students who have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND). It aims to unlock potential for those students with SEND at PACA.


PACA provides support for the four categories of need identified in the SEND Code of Practice 2015. Cognition and Learning, Communication and Interaction, Physical and Sensory and Social, Emotional and Mental Health. As well as our team of LSAs who support students with additional needs, we also employ a range of specialists on a sessional basis.

In Key Stage Four, some students will further study Princes Trust Achieve Programme. This course is tailored to individual students’ strengths and interests.

Students with special educational needs and disabilities are fully included and encouraged to participate in all aspects of Academy life. The Aspirations Centre runs a break and lunchtime club offering a familiar space with structured activities. We also offer a homework club Monday to Thursday where SEND pupils are supported with homework completion.

Further details of all the provisions and policies of the SEN/D department at PACA are included in the documents linked here.