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Maths & Computing

Maths & Computing


At PACA our learning journey in maths involves:

  • Using the language of maths and logic to solve problems.
  • Developing reasoning skills and working out when to use concepts to solve problems.
  • Regular use of patterns in geometry and number e.g. number bonds, times tables
  • Using context and mathematical methods to make estimations.
  • Using proportional and multiplicative reasoning to create a strong foundation for a variety of mathematical concepts (i.e. fractions, multiplying / dividing decimals etc.).
  • Learning problem-solving skills by deconstructing questions and searching for applicable procedures.
  • Learning to prove ideas logically.

As students become more competent, we see students progress through: 

  • Becoming more fluent in seeing number patterns (i.e. knowing their times tables)
  • Using increasingly complex forms of number (integer, negative, decimal, fraction, surd) and operation
  • Recognise scale factors, proportionality and multiplicative relationships
  • Expressing mathematical ideas and concepts through algebra.
  • Communicating & reasoning their ideas through mathematical language and through longer sequences of logical steps
  • Attacking problems using a range of mathematical methods and techniques.
  • Being able to evaluate their answers using estimation and sense checking.

PACA's maths curriculum Intent is available here and view our curriculum maps here.

You can also see our teachers' open evening presentation below:


Computers play an ever increasing part of modern life. At PACA, we aim to give our students the confidence and understanding to try their hand at any software they might encounter at work or home, while ensuring they understand how to be responsible and safe users of technology.

At PACA our learning journey in Computing involves:

  • Computational Thinking Decomposition of tasks; Abstraction; Pattern Recognition and Expressing / Understanding solutions in an algorithmic format.
  • Coding Understanding key programming constructs. Following, debugging, fixing
    and creating code in a variety of languages.
  • Data Representation Understanding how data is represented by computers and
    working with data in a variety of formats including binary.
  • Hardware Identifying key hardware, their purpose and beginning to understand
    how they operate.
  • Networks Developing an understanding of how devices communicate across a
    network and how the internet works.
  • Software Having an understanding of the purposes of a range of software and
    how they can be used to complete tasks.
  • Fluency Developing a digital literacy that will enable learners to thrive safely in
    the digital world

As students become more competent, we see progress through students' …

  • Ability to take a thought or idea and express it in a way a computer could follow.
  • Use of a variety of coding languages (text and blocks) to complete tasks.
  • Articulating using key terminology how computers work, how devices communicates,
    the need for key Hardware and the use of Binary.
  • Being able to use a range of Software effectively to complete a wide variety of tasks.
  • Having a sound understanding of threats that exist in the digital world and how to
    access and navigate digital spaces safely. 

PACA's Computing curriculum Intent is available here and view our KS3 curriculum maps here.

 PACA is working to improve the gender balance in Computer Science. Our Head of Computer Science took part in some training held by the National Centre for Computing Education called 'I Belong: encouraging girls into Computer Science'.