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New to PACA?

Transition from Primary to Secondary School

Welcome to PACA!

We are very pleased that you have chosen our Academy for the next step in your child’s education.

Parent and Carer Handbook

Please find a copy of the parent and carer handbook here. It contains information about how we manage the school and key information when you arrive. I hope you find this useful.


Tutor Groups

We have tried our best to place children in Tutor Groups with at least one person that they know, however, please be assured that where this is not the case, tutor time is only 30 minutes at the start of the day and students will be in different classes for their other subjects.


The Start of Term

At the start of September term we set aside a day for year 7 to give them the opportunity to explore the school and get used to their surroundings. Please note that we are offering a free lunch on this day.  Although this is free, you are still welcome to send your child in with a packed lunch if they prefer and we recommend still sending in a few snacks and a drink for the first break.

When students start PACA they will be in their tutor groups each morning but will be assigned to classes randomly for at least the first two weeks.  During these weeks we will take the opportunity to use the CAT4 assessment to arrange our groupings thereafter.

First Day Back 

8:15 – 8:30 Pupils arrive via student entrance to the hub

8:30 – 8:45 Tutor groups

8:45  Assembly in hall

9:15 – 11 Back to tutor rooms for team building, getting to know each other and a tour of the school

11 – 11:30 BREAK in Canteen/field

11:30 – 12:30 Timetabled lesson

12:30 – 13:30 Timetabled lesson

13:30 – 14:00 FREE LUNCH

14:00 – 15:00 Treasure Hunt – find your way around PACA!

15:00 End of the day



Adult Education

As a community school we are proud that we also host Aldridge Adult learning.  AAL gives everyone in our community the opportunity to advance their career, achieve their dreams and love their hobby! More information on this is available at:

Uniform and equipment

In the Parent and Carer Handbook there is guidance on uniform and equipment.

Most uniform can be bought from Monkhouse

As ever, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me via email