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Home School Agreement

Home School Agreement

PACA Home School Agreement

Review date: September 2025

At PACA we know that to achieve the best education for a child there needs to be a strong and effective partnership between the school, parents/carers, and the child.  Ultimately we want to see a common approach, based on a good understanding of what we all need to do to get the best for all children who attend PACA.  Our overall approach is established on the idea of four respects: respect for others, for ourselves, for our shared environment and a respect for learning.

Using this as our starting point, we set out the following points to give detail to what we want to achieve:

The school will aim to:

  • Provide a learning environment that is stimulating, safe and caring
  • Treat all students fairly
  • Expect high standards, set clear rules, promote mutual respect and develop a sense of responsibility
  • Challenge and support students to reach their full potential and promote positive behaviour and attitudes
  • Communicate effectively with parents and carers in line with the school keeping in touch policy
  • Make available the school policies and procedures
  • Reward success, achievements, and all forms of positive contribution
  • Start and finish the school day punctually
  • Explain to students and their families how they are progressing in their learning and what they need to do to reach their targets
  • Take into account additional needs and requirements a student and their family may have
  • Listen to parents’, carers’, students’ concerns and take action where necessary
  • Address behaviour concerns through the consistent use of the school sanction system

Our students will aim to:

  • Respect themselves: be punctual, correctly dressed and equipped for school. Behave at all times as a good ambassador for the school, in and out of school. Take responsibility for any behaviour that does not meet academy expectations, including attending detentions.
  • Respect others: cooperate with teachers and students, choosing kind behaviour, and taking responsibility for the impact of actions and words on others.
  • Respect our environment: treat the school, its facilities and our local environment with consideration for others.
  • Respect learning: show commitment to learning and seek to make progress, complete home learning on time, and engage with the full range of opportunities at PACA.

To support this parents and carers will aim to:

  • Support their child with coming to school on time each day
  • Ensure their child complies with the school uniform and equipment regulations
  • Work actively with the school to put right any difficulties over attendance and punctuality
  • Support the school in the behaviour policy
  • Log into MCAS (My child at school) to check updates and parents’ evenings
  • Encourage their child with their homework
  • Support their child with following the school policies and procedures, including attending detentions
  • Communicate with the school, and all members of the school community in a respectful manner, not causing distress or offense to adults or students
  • Ensuring that the standards of respectful communication apply to any online posting or social media comments