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Duke of Edinburgh Participants Donate 221 hours To The Local Community

Duke of Edinburgh Participants Donate 221 hours To The Local Community

We are delighted to share that Duke of Edinburgh Participants at PACA donated 221 hours of their time to the local community between April 2019 and March 2020. DofE have presneted us with a certificate of thanks acknowledging that this represents nearly £1000 of social value.

PACA students have volunteered by tutoring younger students; supporting their family during lockdown; running sports and art clubs; supporting local park runs; playing chess with care home residents; supporting Rainbows, Brownies, Beavers and Cubs; shopping for elderly neighbours; and many more ways. In addition to that, participants have completed 208 hours of Physical activity, and spent 247 hours developing a Skill.

The DofE Award has had to adapt during lockdown, and has developed “#DofEwithadifference” – comprising a huge variety of ways in which our students can continue the amazing work they are doing towards their awards even when schools, clubs, and leisure centres are closed. PACA students have adapted brilliantly: some are learning to cook family meals to support keyworker parents, others are supporting younger siblings with home learning, or planning a variety of arts and crafts activities to keep siblings busy and active over the summer holidays. We are immensely proud of the ways in which our students have risen to this challenge.

Ms Wales, PACA DofE Manager, said:

"We will get out on the expeditions – but until then, students who have completed their Volunteering, Physical and Skills sections can, for the first time ever, be awarded the “DofE Certificate of Achievement,” in recognition of these efforts. We will then be able to upgrade these to the full Awards as soon as the Expedition is complete.

I'd like to say well done to all our DofE-ers!"

dofe certificate 2020.pdf